Cheap Dumpster Rental Eldridge, IA

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Cheap Dumpster Rentals

Clarence, Iowa

Serving Clarence, Iowa and the Quad Cities

Junk Removal and Dumpster Rental

Dumpster Rental

Dumpster Rentals

Serving Clarence, Iowaand the Quad Cities

Junk Removal

Junk Removal

Dumpster Rental


Length 12' – Width 8' – Height 3'

10 Yard Dumpster

Haul Rate: $1073

Daily Rental: $10/day after 14 days

Tonnage Fee: $44/ton after 2 tons


Length 20' – Width 8' – Height 4'

20 Yard Dumpster

Haul Rate: $1123

Daily Rental: $10/day after 14 days

Tonnage Fee: $44/ton after 3 tons


Length 20' – Width 8' – Height 6'

30 Yard Dumpster

Haul Rate: $1173

Daily Rental: $10/day after 14 days

Tonnage Fee: $44/ton after 4 tons

Junk Removal

Up Front Estimates

1/10 Truck – 1 cubic yard

Starting at: Call

1 Cubic Yard Fill

2/10 Truck – 2 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

2 Cubic Yards

3/10 Truck – 3 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

3 Cubic Yards

4/10 Truck – 4 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

4 Cubic Yards

5/10 Truck – 5 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

5 Cubic Yards

6/10 Truck – 6 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

6 Cubic Yards

7/10 Truck – 7 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

7 Cubic Yards

8/10 Truck – 8 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

8 Cubic Yards

9/10 Truck – 9 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

9 Cubic Yards

10/10 Truck – 10 cubic yards

Starting at: Call

10 Cubic Yards

Actual prices will vary based on type and weight of waste, location of waste, city, etc. Final prices will be given to customers upon arrival of junk removal crew.



You Call


You pick a date and time.


We call you 30 minutes before arrival.


If you agree to our prices we take your junk.


Dumpster Rental Clarence Iowa

In the sleepy town of Clarence, Iowa, where the cows outnumber the people and the local gossip travels faster than the speed of light, there was a tale that had the whole town chuckling for weeks. It all started with the arrival of a new business in town – “Cheap Chuck’s Dumpster Rental”.

Now, Chuck wasn’t your ordinary businessman. He had a knack for finding deals that were so good they seemed almost too good to be true. And so, when he decided to open up a dumpster rental service in Clarence, everyone knew it was going to be something special.

The rumor mill started buzzing when Chuck unveiled his grand opening promotion: “Rent-a-Dumpster, Get a Free Bucket of Chicken!” Yes, you heard that right – free fried chicken with every dumpster rental. The townsfolk couldn’t believe their ears. Who would have thought that disposing of junk could also come with a side of crispy, golden deliciousness?

Naturally, word spread like wildfire, and soon enough, the good people of Clarence were lining up outside Cheap Chuck’s Dumpster Rental, eager to take advantage of this unbeatable deal. The sight of folks hauling their unwanted junk while munching on chicken legs became a common occurrence on Main Street.

But the hilarity didn’t stop there. As fate would have it, Clarence was hit with an unexpected heatwave that summer. With temperatures soaring, the scent of fried chicken wafted through the air, drawing in not just customers, but also a swarm of hungry seagulls from miles around.

It wasn’t long before Chuck’s dumpster rental service became the hottest spot in town – quite literally. The seagulls, attracted by the tantalizing aroma of chicken, began circling overhead, eyeing the unsuspecting customers below. Chaos ensued as people ducked and dodged the swooping birds, trying to unload their junk while keeping hold of their prized poultry.

Chuck, ever the savvy businessman, saw an opportunity in the midst of the madness. He quickly set up a makeshift barbecue grill next to the dumpsters, offering to cook up fresh batches of chicken for anyone willing to brave the seagull onslaught. And so, amidst the chaos, a bizarre yet oddly delightful scene unfolded – people tossing junk into dumpsters while fending off hungry birds, all while enjoying a impromptu barbecue feast.

In the end, Cheap Chuck’s Dumpster Rental became more than just a place to dispose of unwanted items – it became a symbol of community spirit and resilience. And though the seagulls eventually moved on and the heatwave subsided, the memory of that unforgettable summer lingered on in the hearts and minds of the good people of Clarence, Iowa. And Chuck? Well, he became a local legend, forever known as the man who turned trash into treasure, one bucket of chicken at a time.